That's a Bad Sign
Serial killers, cold cases, missing persons and conspiracy theories... there's no topic these two women won't cover. Hosts Emily and Liz discuss a new true crime case every week, diving into gruesome details, while managing to keep the mood light.
That's a Bad Sign
The Arthel Neville Stalking Case
Emily & Liz
Season 1
Episode 86
In this bone-chilling episode, we delve into the disturbing story of esteemed journalist Arthel Neville and the shocking ordeal she endured when her stalker's sinister commands infiltrated her life through fan mail.
- Stalked: Someone’s Watching Season 2, Episode 5 “Someone’s Watching”
- https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-san-diego-man-pleads-guilty-to-stalking-2010aug12-story.html
- https://www.baltimoresun.com/sdpn-rb-school-employee-very-scared-by-suspected-2010jun08-story.html